The Secrets of Weight Loss

I attended the meeting of he Obesity Medical Association in Boston 2 weeks ago.

I was completely vindicated. The attendance was 1250 health professionals.

The conclusion of this long weekend seminars was:

  1. Even though the low carbohydrate diet was preferred by some physicians, the concensus was that it was not the diet that makes us fat. It is the quantity of food and the hormones which are responsible for the prevalence of obesity in our country and the whole world.
  2. Exercise does not make you lose weight. However exercise is good for cardiovascular health and for weight maintenance after one has lost the weight.
  3. Meal Replacements are the cornerstone for efficient and rapid weight loss.

In addition, it keeps people compliant as there is no choices or possibility of overeating.

  1. Protein (lean) the most thermogenic food as it produces more energy

upon consumption while it increases your satiety.

  1. Hormones make you eat or prevent you from eating. This is a reason why one

should go to a specialist  to control your hormones such as ghrelin from the gut  which tells you to eat and leptin from the  fat in the muscle which tells you to stop.. This explains why after 3 months of losing weight steadily, one stops losing weight even though one is eating the same things. Leptin from the fat tells the body: “Stop dieting as your fat stores are empty”. Then Ghrelin becomes the king and you become voraciously hungry!

  1. Obesity specialists have the armamentarium to ask questions and guide you

through the maze of appetite suppressants, antidepressants, anti-craving formulas, anti-bingeing  and even anti-diabetic medications  to achieve not only your weight loss but to maintain it.  New medications are available that are even more helpful than the old ones or may be added to the old ones.  Remember my first book published in 1998 “ Don’t be a Slave to What you Crave” already explored the connection between weight and the brain. To treat the weight, one has to treat the brain. It is not your fault that you are overweight, your brain and its neuro-hormones are responsible.

Unfortunately, many of these substances are genetically determined. This is why you see a whole family of obese people.

  1. The microbiome in your gut can dictate whether you will be fat or skinny.

You can find out which foods are better and which are deleterious for your microbiome.  Also medications affect your microbiome.

  1. Thus if your weight bothers us consult with us ASAP before the end of this year. If you are contemplating, do not waste time. Call us on 561 659 6756

for a complimentary  consultation to lose the weight before 2020!