Weight Loss Physician Near Me

weight loss physician near meA month ago I received the highest award for becoming a fellow of the OMA ( Obesity Medical Association). I have been already a diplomat since 1983. I have been doing weight loss for almost 39 years and have a lot of experience in the field.

We all know that obesity has serious co-morbidities and complications. However we have not been victorious in the weight loss arena. First of all we know that there are genes that control our weight as observed in families with overweight or obese members. We also know that our brains can dictate what we should eat and how long we should continue eating. Our brain also sends signals about food  cravings that are hard to tame. The 2 main hormones which control our eating are ;

Adiponectin the good hormone from fat deposits which tells the brain that we have had enough; the other is the  bad hormone Ghrelin from the gut that tells the brain to start and continue eating.  Theresa fight between the 2 hormones; one tells you stop eating; the other pushes you to eat. This also explains why people gain weight back when fat reserves are depleted and adiponection does not tell the brain not to eat. We cannot allow our brain to control us. We do not want to be “slaves to what we crave” which was incidentally the title of my first book,

How can we be in charge? The easiest is to see an OMA specialist who received special training in the field.  It is very important in weight loss to provide accountability in this process. Seeing a health professional weekly or every other week is important. Diet diaries should be filled out and reviewed by that person.

Though we believe in a low carbohydrate, low saturated fat and lean protein diet, the quality of the diet is not as important as the quantity of the  food consumed.

We divide hunger into 2 subsets: hunger in the stomach or hunger in the brain.

Each hunger requires different treatments. Cravings also require different supplements. Besides hunger and cravings we also check hormones in the blood.

Low thyroid hormone can also be responsible for accumulation of extra weight.

Also some medications may be responsible for excess weigh gain. Analysis of the history of the patients is so important. Many obese patients suffer also from diabetes and depression so they should be treated for these illnesses as well.

Exercise has been touted as very important for weight loss. Lately the concensus has been that one does not lose weight from exercise. Rather exercise is great for weight maintenance. Some people do well with exercise and others do not.

So the same goes to diet some people do better with one diet than another.

If we want to be successful, you should consult Dr. Merey’s Clinic as a weight loss physician near me.

In Dr. Merey’s Medical Bariatric Center we pride ourselves that one program does not fit everybody. We also individualize the programs.

The most efficient weight loss methods use meal replacements so patients do not need to prepare meals and overeat. We follow questionnaires and find out about our patients’ likes, dislikes, cravings and hunger.  We can give the appropriate supplements and appetite suppressants depending on the patients’ medical condition. We have an array of appetite suppressants that we use.  Sometimes we add other medications to them. Diuretics, antidepressants, thyroid hormones or other hormones are prescribed depending on the patient.

Once the patients have lost their weight, they are put on a weight maintenance program as only weight loss that is maintained is successful!

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We’re here in West Palm Beach.We want our patients to be healthy, slim and beautiful as long as we can do it.